Sunday, June 23, 2013

Life is like a roller coaster , there's always ups and downs , well, sometimes you'll just have to be though and get through them :)

I learned a lot this year , especially from those relationship problems I had. 

I realize life is too short to be sad and emotional all day . 
Yes I really miss my best friend , but i know she has new friends that she really enjoys being with so i think it's really stupid to be sad like forever because of that. So why not use the time being sad to meet new friends and write more music? 

I met new friends , and I realized who actually loves me and who actually not.  

I realized that there's no point saving this friendship anymore because I'll always end up being hurt again and end up being the only one who's holding this stupid friendship together and it's super tiring . Plus, it's not like saving this friendship will change her attitude or make her love me more , so wadeva . Gotta be cool and let it down yo.

 PMR and UEC is super near and I  MUST  START  PUTTING  MYSELF  TOGETHER! 
keep me in your prayers! 

haha but I'm still not gonna study now , shall watch running man first xD

oh and did I mention that Mr W is super cute hahahaha.. yea Mr W <3

kaykay catch ya later alligator !

oh and the haze in malaysia now is getting worst , please take good care of yourselves ! keep hydrated and stay healthy ! 

Jean xoxo

Saturday, June 15, 2013


So, a lot has happened these past few months.

I realized I'm very dumb.
And realized my life is also very dumb.

ohwells ,this is my life and i know there's nothing i can do to stop my life from being....dumb?.

I went through a lot by myself this year . All the ups and downs ...well , i think i do have Purple ninja with me? hehe

Obviously , I cannot deal with stupid friendship problems.
But I kinda handled everything by myself this time...

I use to really love them both. But then one left and there's only me and her . She use to be so so so important to me . But things change, people change.

She ended up always spending time with her new friends , and when she do spend time with me , she ended up throwing her badass temper on me. zzz

I really can't stand hot-tempered people , like seriously ew.

She changed , SHE changed , everything changed.

There's so much more but i guess i just couldn't talk about it anymore.

It hurts so so much inside that i can actually feel it physically whenever ......bla bla bla y'know ohwells.

I admit I still love her so much and i really miss her . I really do. I did like everything i do in life with her , I just couldn't let things down at the moment .

But i know there's nothing i can do bout it . She wouldn't be like how she USED to be , and she still needs to LIVE . so #ohwells

Tonight, I'm just very disappointed in every single person who appeared in my  life .lol
and I swear , this is so not a good feeling buddy . no no .

I guess i just need some rest ?
I'm gonna try my best to stand back up and live happily.

Yea i need some rest . shit gettin so emotional whenever I'm tired. haih

okay , enough for tonight. Wrote everything out and gotta go to bed..


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Blended feelings zzz

Hello,was in a mood to write  :)

So , school is starting soon , am going back to school tomorrow to rehearse the flash mob thing ,simply tiring and lazy zzz

Well, talking about school , next year I'll be in the same class as suenie ! My bestie for like FOREVER duh xP

We're in the same class for 3 years dy ! Awezome eh.

Hmmm, as for HER , well yea , she stayed down , which means she's still in a same form as she is in 2012 , yea....

There's always so much I want to talk to her , she's like A true friend to me , she's like another me cause we both think the same way ...I know what kind of songs she would like , I understand how she feels really missing somebody , I know how she would be like after 2 months time of holiday cause I know we both think and simply feel the same way ...

I guess the only difference is that I'm not as emotional and dramatic as she is .

She's always , always so super emotional and dramatic I guess that's what caused all the relationships problem , well of cause I'm not trying to put all the blame on her . But I still think that her thoughts is the main problem. Zzz

I really wonder how she would feel reading this blog , well , that's how we felt when we read your status on Facebook , you naive human being ! >/

I used to really love her , really really love her , but now , I guess things changed .

She didn't appreciate , so I guess I shouldn't be an idiot anymore.

Somehow , I really wish she will read this blog , so she can understand how the fuck I think of her now .

She made me Taylor swift her . Well, google it if you don't understand , xD

From best friend to best end , haah , well done .  Zzz

I guess if it's her , she would probably go like "oh, you dislike me now bla bla bla , I'm gonna end this friendship now ! Bla bla bla bla "
Oh gosh , stop it .

Friendship is a mental thing , I don't think you have to like sign papers or say everything out load and inform every single person that our friendship ended my dear . IT'S A MENTAL THING , IT'S INVISABLE , handle it maturely would'ya ? Zzz

I know I'm mean talking like that , but I've had enough . Enough of all this shit .
I'm not going to waste another second of my life on this shit.

Sincerely ,
The mean girl.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Hello , another boring day.

Things are all good for me these few days,
the RELATIONSHIP problems are finally to an end (:
soooo glad that she spoke out :D

Well, I've been planning for the family Christmas party these days,
loads of good ideas ;)
found lots of 'mustache' yesterday thinking of doing

these , cute huh ? x)
 waiting for the printing part , almost done :D

ohh, I'm making these for the Christmas party photo booth , pictures are going to be sooo cute !:F

Alina , my cousin and I were planing to do a Pajama theme party , imagine wearing pajama around and wearing these in pictures , haha it's gonna so cute ! xD

and back to those relationship problems,
well, everythings to an end now, so no big deal :)
SHE will be staying here , not going back to her hometown and it's a great news ;)
things are finally better and I'm glad :)

ohhh and JUSTIN BIEBER , My Idol got
'Best pop/rock artist'
'Best pop/rock album'
'Artist of the year'
for the American Music Awards !
how crazy is that?!
He's like the best !
I love him and I believe in him <3
(if you ever read my blog , lol)

ohh and that's his mom (:

Well i guess that'a all for now (:
Bye and God bless (:

Jean xx

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Exams are over.
but there's this one thing that I really don't wanna think about....


As complicated as always,
I really don't know why am I into all this sh**

The funny thing is I'm not always sad or emotional for boys but for this specific girl that has hurt me over and over and over again.

a special day , for me (:
its my birthday,
well, it's also on the second day of our finals ,
that's why there was no cake but a really cute purple big cuddly bear that i call it PURPLE NINJA :D
It's a b'day gift that I received from my classmates (:
Thank you guys , btw

To be honest , I wasn't happy at all on my birthday , I was totally stressed ,yea because of the exam...
well, I felt much better after that ...
I felt like there's something missin or whatever...
I kept on waiting for someone really really important to me ...
Well, I kept thinking that maybe it's because we've all changed classes and that SHE didn't know which class am I in , but She would find it out if she'd really wanted to.....

I went home that day,
and I kept on waiting ,
I texted with someone special too,
a boy,
hahahaha, we're just friends (:
I told him how i feel ...he encouraged me (:

I waited for quite a day ,
not even a text message,
and i knew something that i really wish , wouldn't happen after all...
I teared .
That feeling .....
worst then breaking up with your boyfriend.
It hurts badly .
so so bad.....

I really don't understand why do you have to be so immature sometimes...
You really piss me off girl...
you shouted at me in the first place and now you're all you make me wanna slap you!
you didn't even apologize , and now you're hurtin me like i owed you ?!
well, we've been into all those silly fights for so many times,
you even told me that you love me and that you really want me as a friend.
I've always tried to work things out.
But you're the one who's always f**king playing drama .
you were so desperate once, when you're still not use to your class ,
and now your having so damn freaking much fun , you forgot so many things.....
I hate to say this , but you're a Bi**h .
I guess you ended everything,
I guess our friendship couldn't make it ,
it's over .
I really don't want this to happen ,
but i'm telling you,


Jean xx

Sunday, September 9, 2012








我有想过改变啊,可是,你和愫倪都忙着你们的 Love Story , 都没在听我说 .....

“姐妹” 不是你肚子里的虫.


Too bad la then...
"一分收获,一分耕耘."     同理.

大家要保持updated ,没有update 到,不要责怪.

你知道吗,我们很久没有聊天了对嘛,每次你一找我,我会很hyper , high ,很像Justin Bieber 给了我一个笑容那样high...剩至有时会很紧张,怕得罪到你....
这次你做得很好. :D


把心事说出来,TB 不是有group吗?
在那边update 啦,有什么大便都在那边说,不要怕被嫌弃,因为姐妹就是垃圾桶,心事垃圾桶 xP








I Love you girls forever and ever and ever <3

Jean xx

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Hey guys!
Haven't update my blog for such a long time. D;
sorry bout that...
well, I don't have much blog fans , I guess that's nothing.....:(
So,here are the photos for the last day of camp!(:

The winning team (

Ulric !

Tybalt  !

Warwick !

Valient !


Imperius (:

hahaha <3


The BIG BIG family (:
-The Missing Link camp-
-The End-


Well,that's most of it (:
hope ya liked it :D
have a blessed dae!
Byee <3

Jean x

my imaginary fren (:

my imaginary fren (:

ily :)

ily :)

Thats You!>(

Thats You!>(
yup >/

my blog