Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hey Hey!:D

The Missing Link Camp is TOMORROW ! :D
I'm so damn excited!(:
Will be waking up @ 8 am (mayb) then be prepared for xin hui's mom to fetch us ,
Then will have lots and lots of fun there,
Then will know God more and more there,
Then will not going to update my blog within 4 days until this Sunday .

Will try to type everything abt what happed thr as soon as I update my blog(:

Me and sis packed our bags the whole day....not quite actually , I slept till 12 pm and came out from bed @ 3 in the afternoon .....= _= '

So, I started the work @ abt 4 in the evening (:
We also tidied our closet and threw lots of clothes away so we can buy new ones :D

Yay, xxx are cming back tomorrow!
Tomorrow will be a great day .
But we won't see them till we come back from camp....:'(

1 . 6 . 2012  will be Baby ye 's 2nd Birthday !
But we are still in camp that day .
What a tragedy.

I especially wiped pretty pretty my dad's car this time ....haha ,if you understand what am i talking

I miss Chatime so damn much . I WANT CHATIME SOOOO BADLY !!

I bet you now wants Chatime too ! HAHA!xDxD

Dear Connie Talbot,
You are like the sweetest girl in town (:
Love you still (:

But I also love Justin Bieber (:

Hmm, I guess thats all ..
Will update next week maybe ....
See ya so very soon!!
I'll miss you , Suenie and Qing
Love you girls forever (:

Jean x

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my imaginary fren (:

my imaginary fren (:

ily :)

ily :)

Thats You!>(

Thats You!>(
yup >/

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