Saturday, May 19, 2012

WooHoo ! :D


I actually almost finish typing my blog just now then i really don't know wat happened everything is gone now....=0=

So, I mentioned just now , that I'm very happy that exams are,YAY!:D

I'm now watching videos of JS the twins that are very good in they are SUPER-DEE-DUPER (:
I want to be like them SOMEDAY (:

Talking back about HIM, Well, always being upset and cry all about because of an idiot guy who ruin your life isn't smart (: Take my advise,BE SMART. Don't even try to get involve in a relationship . It's stupid(:
We're just too young for this. Enjoy Life is the thing(:

Well, all of us participated in an inter class English singing competition and we're goin to sing  'you rise me up' ....ughh....i don't know....:/

i guess thats all, i forgot wat i wanted to say...hmmm,yea,thanks to the computer....-,-'




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my imaginary fren (:

my imaginary fren (:

ily :)

ily :)

Thats You!>(

Thats You!>(
yup >/

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