Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hello fellows (:

 Today was special too, everyday is (:

 I'm using the iPad to write my blog this time :D Its cool((:

 Hmmmmm,tonite will be staying over @ my grandma's house with le funky cousins..hahaha I guess we'll be watchin some movies later and maybe some popcorns too :D

 TeeHee ((; Erm,I read my jimuii's blog just now.....NOTHING SPECIAL....hahahahahahahaha;D

 Me and ma sister had dinner @ le grandma's house....great meal (:
But the thing is that my sister can't stop laughin ......-.-' gosh.

 Me , Qing and Suenie chat @Talkbox together today :D It was so funny....hahahahahahahaha The first time we 3 bestie can chat together without any distreaction :)
 Peace at last xD

 Me and ma sister will be going for Church Narrow Street Camp_The MIssing Link this Thursday when xxx are coming back...will not be seeing xxx for one week and a half....;(
 We still need to do the laundry :(((((( Ugh.

 Quite in a good mood least I had enough sleep ...kinda.... I was sneezing the whole nite off man!

 I'll need to post the pictures in the next blog..can't do it now,ugh,sorry abt that....:/

 I guess that's all, will be applying mask with the funky cousins tonight,hahaha I guess it's gonna be a long 'girly' night :D

 See ya soon ....if possible !:D

 Jean x

1 comment:

my imaginary fren (:

my imaginary fren (:

ily :)

ily :)

Thats You!>(

Thats You!>(
yup >/

my blog