Friday, May 25, 2012

Hey Dude :)

How's your awesome day going?:D
Mine was great,But Some idiots ruin it by using a pen.

Today is the last day of school for SEM 1 (:

I shall start from the time when i reach school.
So, "Bla bla bla" will be goin to Australia for 6 days. And I'm suppose to be in-charge in everything. yo !
And because "bla bla bla" will be goin to Australia, so today 's morning was special. LOL

And because we'll need to past the maths exercises up, we ended up rushing homework in the morning.:D

Another thing is , TODAY IS MEI EN 'S BUFDAE!:DD
Thats why we ended up getting SUPER wet in class.....LOL. Teehee.
It was fun(:
special thanks to SUENIE TEO AND EE BOON TENG . -.-'

Hmmm, I guess is to the sad part now.....

The first thing that was sad is , our Sejarah teacher is leaving.......hmmm, no comments...But she cried in front of the whole class......=0

Second,I think I'm in love with another HIM.......and this is extreamly   bad news.......:0
He makes me jealous in stuff  that I'm not suppose to be in and don't want to be in......Hmmm,that sucks....OH DEAR!D:

Third, half happy and sad.
The happy part is that we made fun of a student in class ...we squeezed toothpaste in his water bottle then we added Milo in the bottle ....Then it became a brownish water milkshake kinda thing.....then we really don't know why he drank that thing....bla bla bla....he got very angry and shouted at me....Because he sits behind me , so , He got super irritated when i'm talking to my friend and laughing all around , and that's when the BAD STUFF happened...ugh......YEA, he threw a pen towards  my head ,men that hurts like hell yo! :/
AND THEN,  I got angry . and cried and shouted at him . The sad thing is ...none of my "butters" stand up to!...gosh,even HIM...i don't even want to talk about this...DELETED .

I really am annoyed when everyone gets around "her" my xxxxxx....ughh...yea, i know i'm not suppose to..thats why i get so .....shitty . -.-'

Everyone just likes talking and playing around her...just like how they did on January when we all first met....They make me so sick...I make myself sick also . I get really annoyed and jealous. >/ But i don't want to....:'(

Does anyone understand my feelings here?

Already have no mood......sorry ...

Jean x

happy holidays :))

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my imaginary fren (:

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