Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hey Hey Hey ! :D

Yo! Haha....Today was a great day for me! How's yours? (:

There is this thing i want to say........the thing is ....I always forget what I want to write on blog....ugh......that sucks..:/

Well, I don't want to participate in that choir thing....xxx annoys me a lot....I'm so done with this ! >(

Suenie ,  Chu rong , honda , Justin , Yi Chen , Wen jie and me are planing to go to Sunway Lagoon for some splashing fun in the school holidays! I really wish to go...but there are still so so many problems to go through...like the transport problem and the permission problem .....ugh...those are sick! >0

Well, they need to be solved >)

Hmm....There is this "group" that came to our school to speak about the Go-Green knowledge stuff......and there is this guy that I remember the most that has only one hand and a little chicken hand that can play the guitar very very well.... Wow! I want to be like him!:)))))))

Teehee! It's late at night now and i still need to go to school tomorrow...:(
So, thats all ! :)
Will update tomorrow if possible  :D

Jean x

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my imaginary fren (:

my imaginary fren (:

ily :)

ily :)

Thats You!>(

Thats You!>(
yup >/

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