Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Exams are over.
but there's this one thing that I really don't wanna think about....


As complicated as always,
I really don't know why am I into all this sh**

The funny thing is I'm not always sad or emotional for boys but for this specific girl that has hurt me over and over and over again.

a special day , for me (:
its my birthday,
well, it's also on the second day of our finals ,
that's why there was no cake but a really cute purple big cuddly bear that i call it PURPLE NINJA :D
It's a b'day gift that I received from my classmates (:
Thank you guys , btw

To be honest , I wasn't happy at all on my birthday , I was totally stressed ,yea because of the exam...
well, I felt much better after that ...
I felt like there's something missin or whatever...
I kept on waiting for someone really really important to me ...
Well, I kept thinking that maybe it's because we've all changed classes and that SHE didn't know which class am I in , but She would find it out if she'd really wanted to.....

I went home that day,
and I kept on waiting ,
I texted with someone special too,
a boy,
hahahaha, we're just friends (:
I told him how i feel ...he encouraged me (:

I waited for quite a day ,
not even a text message,
and i knew something that i really wish , wouldn't happen after all...
I teared .
That feeling .....
worst then breaking up with your boyfriend.
It hurts badly .
so so bad.....

I really don't understand why do you have to be so immature sometimes...
You really piss me off girl...
you shouted at me in the first place and now you're all .......man you make me wanna slap you!
you didn't even apologize , and now you're hurtin me like i owed you ?!
well, we've been into all those silly fights for so many times,
you even told me that you love me and that you really want me as a friend.
I've always tried to work things out.
But you're the one who's always f**king playing drama .
you were so desperate once, when you're still not use to your class ,
and now your having so damn freaking much fun , you forgot so many things.....
I hate to say this , but you're a Bi**h .
I guess you ended everything,
I guess our friendship couldn't make it ,
it's over .
I really don't want this to happen ,
but i'm telling you,


Jean xx

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my imaginary fren (:

my imaginary fren (:

ily :)

ily :)

Thats You!>(

Thats You!>(
yup >/

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