Friday, June 29, 2012

Hi guys!
Here to update ma blog agn (:
webcam-ing with THE suenie teo now.
she is such a ....dummy

Just to tell you what happened today,
Boon teng stepped on ma toe and it hurts now...
Its not her fault kay!I actually was dragging her then she accidentally fell and stepped on ma toe,she is annoyed coz everyone kinda like blame her....:(
I'm sorry....:(

Now my toe is like ........a cherry (:

Here are more pics from the camp......((:

We actually played a game with a string and a banana through our
get it?

This is the Pantie-ho place...
You don't wanna know....

And you are suppose to find a candy in the bowl of flour 

This is how you feed in camp :P
you don't wanna know whats inside....


These are 'coins'
They are important!:0

Everyone gettin ready to THE SPECIAL PLACE :D

And to get there ,we WALK.

And we saw these:D
birdy houses :DD

exciting part
where everyone guesses what is happening


This is what I did that was very scary that tears actually came
you have to climb all the way up there ...

Like this...

mama's brave sistar :'D

can you see the colour?:D
cool huh...

you have to go past there..:D

like this..

And one of the muddy stuff..:O


you can only step on one colour that your whole team decided...
its not as easy as what u see....:0

kai jie <3
I know you think that guy is handsome...><`

and we must walk to another special place...
a very special one <3

you see that?:D
you wanna try also right?:D

am waiting 4 ma turn....

And now everyone reazlize it actually is not that easy..

and we go for this,
the spider web...

you see the 'web'?

yup,that's how u do it..:)
haha,they're funny guys...xD

aren't they beautiful....?:D

more will come..more....:D
gtg,its late...skul tomorrow:(

Jean x

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my imaginary fren (:

my imaginary fren (:

ily :)

ily :)

Thats You!>(

Thats You!>(
yup >/

my blog