Friday, June 15, 2012

Hi guys(:
haven't update my blog for suchhhhhh a longggg timeeeee...
sorry abt tat :(
Lots to date:)
one by by one...:D

It's Friday , Friday ,gonna get down on Friday ! :D
I ain't thank God for firdays k...?
cuz there's class on saturday ...(:
laughin huh?

I shall share what happen in camp!:D
R u readee?


Bukit Tinggi , Pahang _Camp Place (:

Briefing @ SIBKL , My Team _Aldurin (:
Can u see me ?:D

Another Team , Warwick . 
There are 6 teams in total (:

Valient , another team (:
Our enemy....

Canteen (:
Where the good food is :P

Most of the Committees are here (:
Big jie jies Big kor kors   :D
They were great! :)

 Rebecca & Leanne (:
Group counselor and Ex-roommate (:
They are so sweet (:

Where we 'oioi'(:
old but peaceful (:

That's the hall ,
where we do our serious stuff  B)
That's Joanne ,our camp commander (:
Fair lady :D
And that's Aaron back behind there , our co-camp commander (:
Funny guy :D

 Aaron (:
The one talking always...

This is how it looks like ....

Timothy & May <3
you know...
The committee's family

Everyone has their Devotion book ((:

Yea,the one that has Booming hair is Ross , Our first aider 
He's great and funny <3

Everything for the camp(:

In case we get lost :D
lol,for the roomings larh!

Everyone was suppose to perform their war cry ..
sooo funny..:D

SO, they cried .

That's all for Day 1
wait for Day 2 

gettin late ,gtg,
byee :*

Jean x

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my imaginary fren (:

my imaginary fren (:

ily :)

ily :)

Thats You!>(

Thats You!>(
yup >/

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