Sunday, December 30, 2012

Blended feelings zzz

Hello,was in a mood to write  :)

So , school is starting soon , am going back to school tomorrow to rehearse the flash mob thing ,simply tiring and lazy zzz

Well, talking about school , next year I'll be in the same class as suenie ! My bestie for like FOREVER duh xP

We're in the same class for 3 years dy ! Awezome eh.

Hmmm, as for HER , well yea , she stayed down , which means she's still in a same form as she is in 2012 , yea....

There's always so much I want to talk to her , she's like A true friend to me , she's like another me cause we both think the same way ...I know what kind of songs she would like , I understand how she feels really missing somebody , I know how she would be like after 2 months time of holiday cause I know we both think and simply feel the same way ...

I guess the only difference is that I'm not as emotional and dramatic as she is .

She's always , always so super emotional and dramatic I guess that's what caused all the relationships problem , well of cause I'm not trying to put all the blame on her . But I still think that her thoughts is the main problem. Zzz

I really wonder how she would feel reading this blog , well , that's how we felt when we read your status on Facebook , you naive human being ! >/

I used to really love her , really really love her , but now , I guess things changed .

She didn't appreciate , so I guess I shouldn't be an idiot anymore.

Somehow , I really wish she will read this blog , so she can understand how the fuck I think of her now .

She made me Taylor swift her . Well, google it if you don't understand , xD

From best friend to best end , haah , well done .  Zzz

I guess if it's her , she would probably go like "oh, you dislike me now bla bla bla , I'm gonna end this friendship now ! Bla bla bla bla "
Oh gosh , stop it .

Friendship is a mental thing , I don't think you have to like sign papers or say everything out load and inform every single person that our friendship ended my dear . IT'S A MENTAL THING , IT'S INVISABLE , handle it maturely would'ya ? Zzz

I know I'm mean talking like that , but I've had enough . Enough of all this shit .
I'm not going to waste another second of my life on this shit.

Sincerely ,
The mean girl.

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my imaginary fren (:

my imaginary fren (:

ily :)

ily :)

Thats You!>(

Thats You!>(
yup >/

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