Saturday, June 15, 2013


So, a lot has happened these past few months.

I realized I'm very dumb.
And realized my life is also very dumb.

ohwells ,this is my life and i know there's nothing i can do to stop my life from being....dumb?.

I went through a lot by myself this year . All the ups and downs ...well , i think i do have Purple ninja with me? hehe

Obviously , I cannot deal with stupid friendship problems.
But I kinda handled everything by myself this time...

I use to really love them both. But then one left and there's only me and her . She use to be so so so important to me . But things change, people change.

She ended up always spending time with her new friends , and when she do spend time with me , she ended up throwing her badass temper on me. zzz

I really can't stand hot-tempered people , like seriously ew.

She changed , SHE changed , everything changed.

There's so much more but i guess i just couldn't talk about it anymore.

It hurts so so much inside that i can actually feel it physically whenever ......bla bla bla y'know ohwells.

I admit I still love her so much and i really miss her . I really do. I did like everything i do in life with her , I just couldn't let things down at the moment .

But i know there's nothing i can do bout it . She wouldn't be like how she USED to be , and she still needs to LIVE . so #ohwells

Tonight, I'm just very disappointed in every single person who appeared in my  life .lol
and I swear , this is so not a good feeling buddy . no no .

I guess i just need some rest ?
I'm gonna try my best to stand back up and live happily.

Yea i need some rest . shit gettin so emotional whenever I'm tired. haih

okay , enough for tonight. Wrote everything out and gotta go to bed..


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my imaginary fren (:

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